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Welcome to our family internet repository for pictures. While it is far from perfect.. it is a start. We are starting with 150 pictures hopefully everyone will contribute so we have many more by next year. To get a picture added simply e-mail it to me at

I am not so much interested in pictures of your immediate family... I think we can exchange them through our parents... but the ones that are of interest are those that have other relation (multiple families) in it that we may have never seen.

I tried to put the pictures up in a way that people with low speed connections can still look at the pictures and no special software is needed.

Since we all need to worry about giving out personal birth dates and yet we'd like to use this make a family tree... I have a simple solution... Rick and I were born the same year. Beth and Donna were born the same year.. it's not hard for relatives to figure out what those years are. If you have questions just e-mail or Facebook a relative to make sure. I think we all agree once someone is passed we can put their life dates online.

As far as the family tree we know John Guldan was Dan Guldan's father, his grave stone, a very large one, can be found in Rozellville Catholic Cemetery. John was born in the 1860s but we do not know John's Father in Austria.

I have video from 50 years ago I hope to make available soon!